Game of thrones land of always winter
Game of thrones land of always winter

game of thrones land of always winter

In “The Door” (Season 6, Episode 5), Bran Stark discovered that the Children of the Forest, desperate to protect their lands, created the White Walkers to fight back against the First Men. Who is the Night King, what exactly are his powers, and what on Westeros does he want? Here’s everything the show has revealed so far, and why resurgent fire magic may be the key to defeating him. The leader of the Army of the Dead is obviously scary-but equally mysterious. The leader of Team Apocalypse is the ultimate Big Bad: the terrifying, colder-than-ice Night King.

game of thrones land of always winter

After years of buildup, Game of Thrones is finally ready for its ultimate showdown between the living and the dead.

Game of thrones land of always winter